Saturday 24 January 2009

Snitches And Glitches

Hello im here to help YOU do better at YOUR games by teaching YOU how to do better at your games also how to do glitches and the best way it works for me and should help YOU in the same way it helps me im not saying that you should glitch in your games to get cheap kills I will also teach you tecniqes on how to play the game well but glitching in a ranked game will result in a ban not a permanent ban first time. I have been baned fo 24 hours once for glitching but moving on here's a list of games i know sum glitches and tricks on

  1. Call of Duty 4
  2. Call of Duty 5
  3. Fallout 3
  4. Resistance Fall of Man
  5. Resistance 2
  6. Burnout paradise
  7. Rainbow six Vegas 2

And others i will be posting all diffrent videos pictures and will have a website soon and also doing game reviews and HELP YOU to pick a good game to spend YOUR HARD EARND CASH on OU

It's properly violent War is hell. Serious, organ-pulping hell. Lob a grenade into a packed bunker and you'll scatter more limbs than the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan. Pack a powerful piece (we found the shotgun the most smirkingly effective) and you can even take your foes' limbs off at close range. Low on ammo? Whip out your knife or charge with your bayonet. Both result in a grin-inducing claret geyser and a highly gratifying mêlée kill.Kiefer Sutherland’s in itThe booze-loving actor voices your squad leader in the Pacific portion of the campaign. We accidentally shot him in the arse, and got a Bauer-esque earful for our troubles. FlamethrowersDoom introduced us to the BFG. Half-Life 2 had the gravity gun. Halo? Plasma rifles. World At War has flamethrowers. Massive, fire-chucking monsters destined to be the tool of choice for deathmatch showdowns. And they’re not just for mindless incineration. Some enemies will hide in trees, which you can burn down, then cackle with glee as the flames spread to nearby bushes and flush out their camouflaged comrades. Feeling evil? Crank up the surround sound and revel in their tortured cries of pain. Then maybe seek counselling.

There's vehicles in multiplayerFor all its awesomeness, Call Of Duty 4 didn't allow you to climb into a tank and flatten an entire team of xbox Live adversaries. Many saw this as a good thing, since it disabled the highly effective "find tank, drive tank, win" tactic. World At War delivers a vehicular compromise: you can choose to fight your online battles with or without the help of heavy armour. It’s built around an award-winning game engineDevelopers Treyarch smartly chose to adopt Call Of Duty 4's game engine, rather than go back to the heavily flawed model they built for CoD3. Which basically means that anybody who's played Modern Warfare (as in twelve million of you) will be able to instantly and intuitively get to grips with World At War. Then promptly get bummed online. You can play the campaign mode with mates Getting relentlessly dicked on by Hitler's goons? Got one or more mates with some internet? Take advantage of one of the game's biggest new features – online co-op. You can draft up to three extra squad members, then plan tactics and bellow "GET TO DA CHOPPA!" over your Xbox Live headsets. Better still, playing in co-op mode racks up experience points for skilful play, all of which contributes towards your online ranking, unlocking more weapons and perks to play with in deathmatches.

It's been in development for two yearsThe CoD fanbase heaved a collective groan when publishers Activision revealed that Call Of Duty 3 developers Treyarch would be behind the series’ fifth instalment. Thankfully, they've had more than twice as long to work on World At War. And believe us, it shows.Missions are open-endedPrevious titles in the series have been justly accused of linear gameplay. And while there’s no open world free-roaming like in GTA4 or the upcoming Far Cry 2, there’s added replay value in the single-player campaign thanks to multiple outcomes. For example, towards the end of one of the missions we played, we stumbled across a group of three unarmed German soldiers. Needless to say we demolished them like a trio of tasty bratwurst. But had we been morally inclined to let them live, the consequences would have effected our campaign.

The enemies are mental The Pacific storyline brings a whole new enemy to the series. According to Hank Keirsey – the series’ eagle-eyed military advisor – Japanese WWII soldiers were among the most ruthless, employing devious battle tactics and suicidal attacks. So prepare to be shot at from trees, gang-ambushed and Banzai charged with bayonets. You will shit your pants. At least once. You can destroy practically anythingThanks to painstaking attention to ballistic physics, World At War lets you blow up more of your surroundings than ever before. We played through both a claustrophobic interior level and an open, jungle-based mission, dislodging assorted scenery with grenades and Molotov cocktails.

Two years after the Helghast assault on Vekta, the ISA is taking the fight to the enemy's home world of Helghan. The ISA goal is direct: capture the Helghast leader, Emperor Visari, and bring the Helghast war machine to a halt. Assuming the role of Sev, a battle-hardened veteran and a member of the special forces unit known as the Legion, players lead a group of highly trained soldiers on a mission to take out the Helghast threat. For Sev and his squad, the invasion of Helghan is just the beginning. Tasked with securing Pyrrhus, the Capital City, the team quickly discovers that the Helghast are a formidable enemy on their home planet. Not only have they adjusted to the planet's hostile conditions, they have also harnessed a source of power they can now use against the ISA. Sev discovers his squad isn't just fighting enemy forces – their fiercest opponent may be the planet itself.

Nariko in Heavenly Sword. Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII. And now Afro Samurai. These are the characters that you remember for their remarkable hairstyles, though Namco Bandai's newest hack-and-slash action game offers more than just a curly coif that reaches for the heavens. It is an entertaining and thoroughly gory offering that contrasts sumptuous environments and crisp cel-shaded characters with shocking sights of slow-motion dismemberment. In Afro Samurai, you'll chop ninjas in half and watch their disembodied torsos drag themselves along by the arms until they collapse in a pool of blood. Sights like these make for some wickedly satisfying combat, though in other areas, the game falls noticeably short of the standards set by genre predecessors such as Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry. Clumsy platforming and pacing inconsistencies keep Afro Samurai from reaching its potential, but the entertaining combat and dedication to its subject matter keep it from being just another forgettable button masher.

If you're familiar with the Afro Samurai anime, you'll undoubtedly enjoy experiencing the events depicted in the series, as well as several that aren't. If you're new to the franchise, the most important thing to know is this: You are a big-haired, cigarette-chomping dude who knows a thing or two about blades. This is a revenge tale, and as Afro, the wearer of the Number Two headband, you're out to defeat your father's killer--the current Number One. Even if you're not familiar with every character (the neurotic, potty-mouthed Ninja Ninja; the demure Okiku), the game's vibe has a way of pulling you in. Split-screen sequences in and out of combat embrace the game's anime theme; a fantastic hip-hop soundtrack tinged with Far Eastern harmonies enhances every slice and dice; and energetic voice acting from Samuel L. Jackson and other recognizable talents lends humor and gravitas in turn. Afro neophytes may not be drawn in by the plot, but they'll find it hard to escape the lush but violent atmosphere.
At the forefront of this vibe is Afro Samurai's combat, which cribs from most games of its type. You can issue weak and strong attacks, kick your enemies around, and string these three basic moves into a variety of combos. You'll spill a lot of blood using these simple actions, but if you really want to punish your acrobatic foes, it's better to enter focus mode and watch the guts fly. With a pull of the trigger, you can slow down time, adjust your blade's trajectory a bit, and lop heads, digits, or entire limbs off of your smack-talking enemies. You have to charge up focus mode by landing combos, but you will never go without the ability for long, and the resulting mix of old-fashioned button mashing and focus-powered slaughter is satisfying and fun. A few other moves help mix things up, such as sprint attacks, parrying, and bullet deflection (tricky to time properly but well worth the trouble). As long as you're facing a typical crowd of ninjas and a miniboss or two, it's all a drippy delight.
Once you're outside of combat (an all too frequent occurrence), Afro Samurai trips over its own feet, thanks largely to unpleasant platforming mechanics. The inelegant jumping sections are easy to stomach in small doses, but they're strung into long and frustrating sequences late in the game--one of which you have to repeat if you die at the hands of the boss that appears afterward. You can wall-run here and there, and leap up and grab certain ledges, but as a rule, you can perform these moves only when the game wants you to, and they're purely for getting from one spot to the next. You can't string them into combat moves a la Ninja Gaiden, and rough animations make these acrobatics look as awkward as they feel.

This leaves the burden of entertainment purely on the combat, and it's usually up to the task. At its best, Afro Samurai keeps pushing you forward, throwing a few different types of foes at you and tossing in various objectives, such as throwing foes into an electrical apparatus or flipping a switch here and there. A few set-piece battles are also a total blast, particularly an exhilarating freefall sequence that might leave you breathless. A couple of boss battles are good fun as well, such as one versus an endlessly self-cloning rival, and the easy but moody final boss battle. Some levels, such as a protracted fight versus Kuma, are lighter on combat but succeed thanks to pensive ambience, entertaining scriptwriting, and pure artistic splendor.
But as brutally beautiful as the combat is, it can't support the weight of some inconsistent pacing and the less appealing boss fights. In some levels, you'll wander around without encountering enemies for far too long; in a few others, nonstop waves of enemies will make you scream for variety that never comes. These issues come to a head in the penultimate level: The combat, normally a head rush, gets a bit tedious, the platforming takes center stage, and a few broken checkpoints might force you to replay sequences that you've already plowed through. The boss fights afterward aren't much of an improvement, spamming some cheap moves rather than providing a true challenge. The camera certainly doesn't help matters; it isn't completely broken, but it has a tendency to get hung up behind objects in the smaller combat areas or jitter around if you move it into certain positions. A related oddity is the lack of camera customization. You can adjust the Y-axis settings but not the X axis, which means that you are forced to deal with inverted camera settings when moving it from side to side. If you prefer standard settings, this frustration will simply exacerbate the other camera issues.
Nevertheless, Afro Samurai is an appealing game, and its visual style and pulsing soundtrack drives this success. The art style doesn't rely on simple cel-shading, but rather infuses this familiar technique with soft colors, muted lighting, and crosshatched textures. It's a unique look, and the gushers of rust-hued blood contrast nicely with the gently lit environments. When you enter focus mode, most of the environmental color washes away, making the gruesome cleaving of a bare-breasted ninja a bloody sight to behold. Jittery animations and other technical flaws can get in the way--particularly in the PlayStation 3 version, which suffers from minor but noticeable frame-rate drops, especially during split-screen incidents--but these rarely detract from the appealing visual design. Likewise, the occasionally lackluster sound effects can't detract from a superb hip-hop soundtrack (inspired by, as opposed to composed by, rapper RZA) and fantastic, lively voice-overs.

Its flaws are noticeable, but Afro Samurai is ultimately a lot of fun. It isn't the next action classic, but it embraces its subject matter with vigor and delivers equally dynamic combat in spades. You can squeeze a good seven hours of enjoyment out of the experience the first time around, and hidden items and ensuing unlockables may drive you to return, if the fun and ferocious combat isn't reason enough. In other words, it's a problematic but ultimately worthwhile reason to don the Number Two headband and see that justice is done--and that Justice is done in.